If you need help operating your Power Pallet, you can view our Operator training course videos playlist on our APL Training Channel on YouTube. A certification course is also available for free on Udemy

Also on our APL Training Channel is a playlist of Operation and Maintenance procedure videos updated to cover our newest PP30.

We also have dozens of videos covering the history of our research and development of our gasifiers and power equipment on our main YouTube channel.

Here are a few of our favorites:

Huffington Post Now What episode: Trash Powered

Introduction to ALL Power Labs

Explanation of Microgrids

Walkaround of a PP20 – part 1

Walkaround of a PP20 – part 2

The Science of Gasification, part 1 of 7: The Basics

APL on Al Jazeera America

Introducing the 20kW Power Pallet

APL micro grid powers VERGE conference

Operating the Power Pallet 

Introduction to the 100kW Powertainer

Ever wonder what one of our workshops looks like? Here’s a preview:

How to operate a Power Pallet (a series)

Before Starting
Packing the Gas Filter
Operating the Power Pallet

The Most Famous Gasified Car in the World: The 1989 Honda Accord        

 And the 2nd Most Famous: The 2010 Tesla Roadster

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