John Kinstler's work at Salone del Moblie 2009

Amongst the hundred GEKs sold during our first year a  highlight has to be the one we sold to John Kinstler and the Art Institute of Chicago. He took our GEK to a very unexpected place, Milan for Salone del Mobile 2009.   John’s project was developed within the 2000 W Living studio at the Art Institute of Chicago.

2000 W Living refers to the average amount of power consumed by the average person living in a non-Western, not wealthy country. The average amount of power consumed by the average American in the US is nearer to 12,000 W. The goal of this studio was to explore ways of challenging we Westerners to reduce our power consumption.

His project conceives a world that can re-invent itself in the face of unprecedented challenges. Using the base form of the GEK to build from he shows the importance of harvesting new sources of locally generated energy in radically re-designed cities. Of course those radically re-degined cities will be in need of radically re-designed appliances, ie. Biomass Energy Appliances.

John is helping us all see what a future with Biomass energy will look like.

Read more about John’s project Here: http://johnkinstler.com/section/103486_Biomass_Energy_Appliances.html

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