APL in the Field: Indonesia Report

Yoav and I just returned from a trip to Indonesia to help with the set up and operational instruction for 2 Power Pallets there. They are being integrated into a […]

Tar vs Soot testing: Soluble separation method

Bear Kaufmann finished another run on the GEK test and datalogging rig and posted the results here: http://gekgasifier.pbworks.com/Instrumented-Walnut-Shell-Run-082409. This wiki page has a large collection of graphs and other data […]

High Design GEK

Amongst the hundred GEKs sold during our first year a  highlight has to be the one we sold to John Kinstler and the Art Institute of Chicago. He took our […]

GEK goes to University

The GEK went to university….University of Minnesota at Morris to be exact. UMM was awarded a grant of $174,258 by the Renewable Energy Marketplace – Alliance for Talent Development (MNREM) […]

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