130 kW PP30 Hybrid Microgrid System

APL is developing a new integrated Carbon Conversion Hub, a comprehensive system designed for rapid, off-the-shelf, distributed-scale deployment. The system integrates our dual PP30 50kW containerized, biomass-fueled, combined heat and power genset, which can also be supplied with microgrid controls and battery storage.


Also included with this conversion hub will be two of our new high-volume, containerized, Chartainer biomass-to-heat/biochar units, each of which can process 250 kg of biomass/hour, along with an output of 50 kg of highest quality biochar and 50 kW of thermal energy per hour.

IBI Certificate for SkyCarbon biochar

Evidence has been continuing to accumulate supporting the extensive carbon-removable potential of converting waste biomass from forestry and agricultural producers into biochar, especially when included in co-composting operations. APL has always focused on integrated high-efficiency solutions, and this system incorporates a wider range and higher throughput of multiple commodities of biochar, renewable energy, and carbon removal credits than any previous system offering.

This new high-capacity system will process over half a tonne of biomass per hour, with very significant carbon-credit potential from over 100kg of tar-free geo-conductor SkyCarbon biochar per hour. The new swirl hearth design of the Chartainer reactor also allows for a much wider range of suitable feedstock, greatly increasing viable use cases.

Each Carbon Conversion Hub includes a support and infrastructure package to facilitate partnering with our carbon-drawdown initiative, The Local Carbon Network (LCN). APL’s engineers have been working with biologists, agronomists, farmers, and climate researchers to perfect this biochar-retort technology as well as biochar application techniques and regenerative agriculture practices with the goal of maximizing carbon-drawdown impact and credits.

APL Technology’s Comprehensive Integrated Carbon Mitigation Strategy

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